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Nairobi – Thursday, 6th February 2025: The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) and Tour Operators Society of Kenya (TOSK) have inked a landmark agreement that will see the two entities join forces to market Kenya as the preferred tourism destination globally.

The strategic partnership will entail collaborative marketing campaigns aimed at showcasing Kenya's 47 counties and promoting lesser-known destinations within the country through niche marketing initiatives.

Among the key areas of collaboration are joint marketing campaigns leveraging traditional and digital platforms to attract both domestic and international travelers to Kenya's diverse tourism offerings.

Speaking during the agreement signing ceremony at the KTB offices in Nairobi, KTB Chief Executive Officer June Chepkemei hailed the partnership as a game-changer for the Magical Kenya brand, noting that it will open up new opportunities for joint promotion and growth of the sector.

"This partnership formalizes and solidifies our long-standing collaborative efforts. We have jointly undertaken numerous initiatives and programs, and we will continue to work together synergistically, as it is crucial for us to tap into the vast potential of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) within the sector," Chepkemei stated.

"Our tour operators are at the forefront of promoting Kenya as a destination therefore this pact creates a framework for us to work closely with TOSK, leveraging their expertise in identifying hidden gems across the country and beyond that, supporting upcoming entrepreneurs in the tourism sector," she added.

The partnership comes on the heels of Kenya welcoming a record 2.3 million tourist arrivals in 2024, with the KTB CEO noting that the joint efforts will be key to sustaining the growth momentum and expanding Kenya's share of the global tourism market.

“Even as we continue to advocate for the development of tourism infrastructure, new products, greater marketing, and the power of partnerships and collaboration, we also want to recognize and appreciate the immense growth that has already been registered in the sector over the past few years.

“This couldn't have been achieved if individual entities among the TOSK membership had not played their role, especially in opening up the rest of the country beyond the traditional circuits,” Chepkemei remarked.

Under the agreement, KTB and TOSK will collaborate on destination promotion through roadshows, familiarization trips, and showcasing lesser-known destinations and niche tours within Kenya's counties.

Additionally, the partnership will focus on training and capacity-building programs for TOSK members, enhancing service delivery and fostering the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in line with the government's Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

Sustainable tourism practices, establishing tourism information centers at key entry points, and joint advocacy for favorable tourism policies with the Government of Kenya are also part of the collaboration's scope.

On his part, TOSK Chairperson Daniel Mbugua noted, “This partnership marks a great stride, specifically for MSMEs and tour operators in Kenya. While KTB is mandated to market the Magical Kenya brand globally, we will focus on converting that marketing into sales and bed nights, to realize the ambitious targets we have set."

KTB has previously undertaken numerous engagements with TOSK, including an initiative to onboard young tour operators and guide them on packaging and marketing the destination to diverse segments.

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